Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Map: Europe in 1914

You have to label and color a map.  You can use Google Images to find a map of Europe in 1814.  Label the information required and then correctly shade the countries with one of three colors.  If you need help, ask!  You will have to use this map to answer questions about your Europe in 1918 map.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yellow Alert

We were on Yellow Alert today.  Do not panic.

Homework Due Thurs (Corrected Friday):  After Slavery & The US Continues to Grow
In Class Today:
     The Industrial Revolution (Write 3 original questions)
     Some Results (Answer the questions)
To be done (when we get to a lab): Immigration Chart and Bar Graph

Monday, March 1, 2010

The American Civil War

Raed the handout.  You need the Map from pp 46-47. Answer the questions on the back AND find soace in your notebook to answer the three questions on the bottom of Page 46.  Can you also show how far Minneapolis is from Bull Run near Washington, D.C.?

If/When you finish, please complete "Putting the Nation Back Together" which is due Wednesday.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Civil War Journal, Day 2

Please take out your notebook and use it to work on your Civil War Journal.
If you need notes we did in class, you can download them from the Moodle too.
Try it and see what happens when you click on the powerpoint or Notebook or PDF links.

Please have pictures and words.  This is telling me how much you KNOW. 
The MORE you KNOW, the better your grade.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Civil War Journal


Open two new tabs for (right-click or hold the CONTROL button when you click on the mouse):
Go to Moodle.
Go to Google

Go to Google Images.

Sign up for my course in the Moodle.
Click on ALL COURSES on the left side.
Scroll down and click on COURSES UNDER DEVELOPMENT.
Scroll down and enter ROMO in the search window.

Click on the first assignment in the CIVIL WAR Folder.
It is also called "Civil War."
Click on the Google Images Tab and search for images that you can copy&paste
When you find a picture you like and can use, place it in your Civil War Journal.
     ASK FOR HELP if you do NOT KNOW HOW!!!
Make sure you add notes for your picture(s).
Also add notes about things you remember from class lessons.
If you want or need more information, use your Google tab and search for something.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Obama vs. GOP

Wow - this is amazing stuff.  President Obama attended a House Republican lunch on Friday and the Q&A was televised.  It's a little over 1 hour long, but worth it if you are a government and/or political junkie.  It almost approaches British Parliament levels of arguing.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Turn in your Notebooks (NEATLY stacked on on front table) and pick up the vocabulary sheet.

As a class, you will fill in the vocabulary.  Each of you will use the computer and look up the word, copy the definition and paste it into the document.  You will answer the T/F questions on the other side tomorrow.