Monday, January 25, 2010

Qtr3, Day 1

Pick up BOTH handouts and a pair of scissors.

Bring Textbook to Class              
    You may turn them in to the Media Center          
Notebook  (Romo will pass one out to you)         
    You will cut & paste, staple, take notes, do EVERYTHING in the notebook.
      Watch Romo for example and instructions.

Definition Drawing of Slavery                 
        the state of being a slave      
        the practice of slaveholding      
 Definition of Slave:
  1. a person who is owned by another person and can be sold at the owner's will
  2. a person who has lost self-control and is controlled by something or someone else        
Imagine you are a slave.  What are you willing to do to become free? (MINIMUM of 5 Lines)                  
Definition Drawing of Freedom
  1. the state of being free : LIBERTY, INDEPENDENCE
  2. ability to move or act freely
  3. the state of being released from something unpleasant
  4. the quality of being frank or open
  5. use without restriction
  6. a political right        

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